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Brassica Information

Articles relevant to brassicas. The brassica or cabbage family, is technically known as Cruciferae but was previously known as Brassicaceae from which we get the word Brassica. Brassicas are one of our oldest known and very important edible crops.

Brassica Growing

John Harrison with a Cauliflower, member of the Brassica family

It’s a very large family but all members share certain characteristics such as a preference of soils with a high pH  and tend to be susceptible to the same diseases such as club root.

The edible brassicas break into two major groups – the larger leafy brassicas like kale and cabbage and the smaller group of root brassicas like swedes and turnips. These articles are either relevant to all the brassicas or one of those groups.

Brassica Growing Articles & Information

12 Tips for Success with Leafy Brassicas

12 Tips for Success with Leafy Brassicas

Many growers find it difficult to grow the leafy brassicas – cauliflowers, cabbage, calabrese, broccoli, sprouts – but if you follow these tips carefully you'll be able to grow great crops. The real secret to success with any plant is attention to ...
How to Grow Great Leaf Brassicas

How to Grow Great Leaf Brassicas

This article is about growing the leaf brassicas rather than the Swedes and Turnips. Sadly they can be tricky to succeed with but hopefully by following this guide you'll get great results. The cabbage tribe, brassicas, are one of the most important food...
Fertiliser Requirements of Cabbages & Leafy Brassicas

Fertiliser Requirements of Cabbages & Leafy Brassicas

A Fertiliser Program for Cabbages Cabbages, Cauliflowers and other leafy brassicas are notoriously greedy. When you look at the leaf volume they cram into a relatively small space it's easy to see why they have such a high nutrient requirement. It's...
Brassica Pests & Problems

Brassica Pests & Problems

The cabbage family (Brassica) has formed an important part of our diet for hundreds if not thousands of years. Because man has bred the plants for productivity and flavour over the years they are, like any thoroughbred, vulnerable to pests and diseases....
About & Controlling Cabbage Root Fly - Delia radicum brassicae

About & Controlling Cabbage Root Fly - Delia radicum brassicae

The cabbage root fly is arguably the worst pest affecting brassicas in areas where they are common. As well as cabbages it also attacks cauliflowers, romanesco etc but although it can, rarely goes for other brassicas like broccoli, calabrese and kale....
Guide to Club Root Plasmodiophora brassicae - Control Clubroot

Guide to Club Root Plasmodiophora brassicae - Control Clubroot

What is Clubroot? Clubroot (also known as swollen fingers amongst other names) is a serious fungal mould type of disease that affects the brassicas (cabbage tribe) and other members of the crucifers, the family to which brassicas belong. There are about...
Clubroot Resistant Varieties of Brassicas

Clubroot Resistant Varieties of Brassicas

Once you have clubroot in your soil you are stuck with it and very unlikely to ever be clubroot free but you can continue to grow brassicas successfully with club root resistant varieties. Over the last years the number of chemicals available...
Growing Brassicas on a Clubroot Infected Plot

Growing Brassicas on a Clubroot Infected Plot

Whilst the bad news is that once you have clubroot in your soil you are stuck with it and very unlikely to ever be clubroot free, the good news is that you can continue to grow brassicas successfully on your land with some care. In fact prize-winning...

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