Potting on Tomatoes and Planting Onions

Potting On Tomatoes

Having decided that I needed a break and the Big Boy tomatoes were living up to their name, to the potting shed where I moved them on into 6″ pots.  I also potted up some cayenne pepper seedlings and decided to go down to the plot, being completely stuck on some work.

Planting Onions

Greeted at the gate by Larry the site rep and not a traitor (you’ll regret it Larry) who was just leaving. After a quick chat, I had the site to myself and the birds. I used the Mantis to break up some soil to a finer tilth and sowed more onions. We have enough Red Baron to last two years, I reckon! The Ailsa Craig, a name usually associated with tomatoes, seem to be doing very well indeed.

I’ve noticed onions from sets don’t seem to keep as well as onions from seed so I think the fiddle of growing from seed is justified on those grounds alone. In terms of cost, they are much cheaper as well.

Taking a break, just sitting on the bench enjoying the peace, I noticed the robin happily pecking around the disturbed soil. He (or she?) really had a bright red breast. A bunch of blackbirds were playing around a few plots down and the pigeons were surveying their meal table – our allotments – from the safety of the electricity wires.

You can’t beat an allotment. The solution to my work problem came to me as I put the onions in.

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