Yearly Archives: 2010

Grafted Peppers, Water etc.

Grafted vs ordinary peppers, watering and hunting cats on the plot in the dark

Strawberries & Forum Meet Up

Harvesting a couple of pounds of strawberries, weeding, watering and Bury agricultural show and forum meet up.

Brassica, Squash & On the Radio

Spare brassicas now planted, all the squash planted and my 7 minutes of fame on the BBC

More Weeds, Watering & Hosepipe Ban

Still coping with the weeds, watering woes solved by football and planting out the last of the bush tomatoes.

Construction Worker with finished Wonderwall

Protecting Brassicas from Birds & Butterflies

Weeding, watering and building a large netting cloche to protect the brassicas from birds and butterflies

Strange Strawberries

A question about strange shaped strawberries - can you help?

New Apple Redlove Available from Suttons

A new apple with red coloured flesh has been launched onto the British market by Suttons.

Patio Growing

Where the snails come from and growing on the patio. Update on the hamster!

Hamsters & Planting Out

Rescued a hamster and then a good day planting out now the danger of frost is well passed.

Thinning Carrots, Weeding & Weather

Weather survey, still fighting the weeds and trying to explain how nature works by thinning carrots for a neighbour.

Carrots in Barrels

Growing Carrots in Barrels

Sowing carrots in slices of barrels with a home-made growing medium in them.

John Harrison and Mantis 4 Stroke Tiller

New Mantis Tiller

I've had a new 4 stroke Mantis tiller. Here's my report on it in comparison to the old 2 stroke Mantis tiller. I can sum it up as, still brilliant and even better.

More potting on, slugs & snails

Good long afternoon potting on, cutting comfrey and sowing, Where does the time go to?

Rain at last!

First comfrey cut to the compost heap, rotovating on plot 5 and potting on the brassicas

Congratulations Medwyn!

Congratulations to NVS Chairman Medwyn Williams on his Gold Medal at RHS Chelsea

House Hunting & Too Hot!

The house is for sale and we're looking for the next one, too hot to do much on the plot but glorious anyway.

Slugs, Snails & Sunshine

From frosts to boiling hot, fighting the slugs and snails and think of the poor show growers at Chelsea

Avoiding the Frost

Looking at the results of planting too early and being caught by the frost, potting on in the greenhouse.

Pig & Poultry Show

A visit to the pig and poultry fair where we met up with some forum members.

Leaf Mould

Weeding the asparagus and mulching with leaf mould.

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