Ivory Aubergine Seeds


Ivory Aubergine is an attractive miniaturized variety, yielding a bountiful harvest of pristine white fruits consistently throughout the entire growing season. The cream-coloured fruits are approximately the size of an egg, and the plant’s compact size allows it to flourish in both containers and border plantings.

10 Seeds per packet £1.35

This distinctive and compact aubergine variety yields an abundant quantity of small, oval-shaped fruit and is devoid of thorns, making it easy to manage—unlike many other aubergines. With its purple flowers and silvery grey foliage, the Ivory aubergine presents an appealing appearance, even in its early stages of growth, making it an excellent choice for mixed flower and vegetable planters.

The Ivory aubergine ‘s fruits are free from bitterness, eliminating the need for pre-cooking salting. The flesh boasts a delicate, mild, smoky flavor that will delight your taste buds. These fruits are superb when baked, fried, grilled, or steamed, and Ivory is particularly well-suited for casseroles and ethnic dishes.

Quick Aubergine Cultivation Guide

Aubergines (Also known as Eggplant) are heat loving plants in the Solanaceae family. They can be grown outdoors in a sheltered spot in the south of the UK but are most often grown undercover in a greenhouse or polytunnel. They require a well-drained fertile soil or growing medium with a pH between 6.2 and 6.8.

Sow in a seed compost either in trays or modules. Often advice is to keep the compost at 20ºC but the optimum temperature range for germination of aubergines is between 24ºC and 32ºC. Ideally aim for 28ºC. When the seedlings emerge, usually just a few days, reduce to 21ºC.

Once the true leaves develop, transplant to 3 inch (7.5cm) pots with a quality potting soil. Grow on until ready to transplant to final position. This could be a greenhouse or polytunnel border, growbag or 8 inch (20cm) pot. Avoid temperature shock by gradually reducing temperature over a week to that of their final home.

After 6 weeks commence feeding with a good quality tomato feed, increasing when fruits begin to form. Avoid high-nitrogen fertilisers as excess will often result in large plants but a small fruit set.

Staking or string support will be required as the weight of fruit can damage the plant.

Harvest when the fruits are desired size by clipping the fruit stem with secateurs or strong scissors. Pick fruit regularly to encourage more fruits to develop.

Further information on growing Aubergines


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